Is Your House Number Clearly Visible from the Street?
Seconds Count in an Emergency! That’s why it’s important that your house is clearly marked for emergency personnel. Simply put, ensure that assistance coming from any direction is easily able to identify your house number.
- Protect your family and your property by having large visible house numbers.
- Firefighters, police officers, and paramedics will be able to find you faster when your home is properly marked.
- A visitor, child, or injured person may be unable to give clear directions and rely on your house being properly marked.
- Emergency personnel from a neighboring community may be unfamiliar with your area.
Use Large, Visible Numbers!
- The Office of the State Fire Marshal says “numbers need to be at least 4-inches in height and facing the street.”
- Put the numbers under lighting, and use numbers with a contrasting background so they will be visible at night.
- Attach numbers to the home and NOT a door. Doors can be opened which will make the markings no longer visible.
- If your driveway is long, also post your house number on BOTH sides of a mailbox or sign pole at the end of the driveway near the road.
- Be sure to keep the numbers visible by trimming trees and bushes.
Information obtained through Massachusetts General Laws C. 148, S. 59 & The Office of the State Fire Marshal.